Saturday, February 14, 2009

Honeymoon is over!

The kids have made themselves right at home. They are both doing great. A few little glitches, but all in all good. We took them to the circus last night... that was a ton of fun. And we went to Valentine's dinner tonight as a family... not used to being outnumbered!!! Court was continued this week for two more weeks, so we will know more soon hopefully about how long they will be with us. I have had pneumonis, so trying to keep up with laundry and all has been a struggle, but we are making it. The kids are great... so much more than we expected it to be!


Sandy said...

You sound like you are truly loving every moment with them as you should. I had to laugh though, I remembered the first time we went out to eat and realized we were out numbered. Said we would not do that again. LOL It takes patience and practice teaching the correct behavior. Can't wait for all of ya'll to come back up, won't that be a fun dining experience again. LOL 7 kids 4 adults LOL

Leah Wentzel said...

i am glad things are going ok/good :)

being sick makes taking care of kids harder. how neat to see them getting used to you and your home. i love the updates, i feel like it is preparing me for what we have in store!

Lisa said...

Here's your Kody update, lol:
Kody is showing respect at YCP, but it hasn't transferred to home yet. No more screaming matches, but still gonna do what he wants no matter who it hurts. Bio mom has been sending him letters at YCP leading to other issues: he wants to live there now. May look into emanicipation if things don't improve. He's considering attending Job Corps, so we will see.