Saturday, January 31, 2009

The past few days have been a exhausting blur. Avery seems to be adjusting to our new additions... I don't think this is quite what he had in mind! We are all in a bit of shock... especially our new ones. They are so sweet and fairly well mannered. Can't wait to gleen more of their story. Hopefully we will know a little more soon about their status. They seem so happy here, and rarely speak of "My other Mommy". Makes you wonder! Oh well, in the meantime, we will take care of their sweet little selves!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wooooooo- hoooooo...

Our very first placement is here! Two gorgeous little kids... picked them up tonight after Mom turned them in to "Get herself straightened out". We are so excited! Our little guy, Avery, was beside himself with excitement, then got all "nervous" when we arrived to pick them up. They arrived with the clothes on their backs and big, beautiful smiles. Mom told them they were going for a "sleepover". Hopefully there will not be too much backlash tomorrow night! Oh well, for tonight they are safe, fed and happy.

I don't know...

We had our first call for kids on Monday afternoon. By the time we got on the same page with the agency, the kids had been placed. But that's okay... we got a call!!!! Positive yardage!!!!!! I asked our director if we could let her be our voice and tell her what we can can't take, and she said absolutely. We are just so new that it hasn't been able to be discussed yet! Oh well... God will find the right kids for us.

On the homefront, Avery's teacher has suggested an ADD evaluation. I think we need to buckle back down on the Feingold Diet and cut out TV and Wii during the school week and see if we can straighten him back out. His OT is not real fond of this suggestion, but then relented by saying that there are kids out there who do benefit from medication. We had decided to transfer to public school next year, now I am questioning that decision AGAIN! We have loved Duluth Montessori, do NOT love the tuition!! So, we are talking to psychologists to have him at least evaluated. We will see...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

See there, wasn't that easy?

We met with the new agency on New Year's Eve, (yes, of '08) and here we are, 3 weeks later, classes fininshed, homestudy written, paperwork complete and all in one tidy little folder... done. It is really a shame that DFCS bumbles things so. What a disservice to the children and those who support them. I am looking forward to our new agency. Everyone speaks so highly of them and is so happy to be involved. We met several of the parents and children (both in care and biological) the other day, and were very impressed!

Looking forward to this experience again... DFCS almost did us in, but we were not going to let them win!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year... New Agency

Well, that has been quite enough of that. After 16 months of being ignored, pushed aside, jerked around, led on... we have decided to go with a private agency. We met with the lady that runs it on New Year's Eve, and are having to start over again with EVERYTHING, but I think it will be worth it. I mean, someone that actually answers the phone when you call... what a novel idea!

We should be done with the process by next weekend... not next YEAR as was the case with DFCS. And today, when I called to set up an appointment, the woman who runs the agency said... I got a call about a boy and it made think of the two of you. I was actually going to call you...

Can you say... "WOW"?