Monday, September 29, 2008

Here we are

  So, here we are in the middle of our journey...  actually, this may be the beginning or perhaps the end.  We are in the process of enlarging our family.  Most people do this the old- fashioned way, but apparently God has something else in mind for us.  We are Andy, Tracy and Avery Duncan.  We live in Gwinnett County, Ga.  and are in the process of hopefully adopting through our local DFCS office.  
  We have chosen to go this route for several reasons, the first of which is we thought this would be the path of least resistance.  Boy, were we wrong!  It has taken right at a year to get through the approval process.  We were finally approved around the middle of September. (that's it's own funny story!)  Secondly, we have a wonderful child already (who DESPERATELY (thinks) he wants brothers and sisters), so we don't feel the need for an infant, and lastly, we want to make a difference here, in our country.
  So, we have put in a request for information on a darling sibling group of three children, a nine yo girl, a six yo boy and a five yo boy, the two of which our son will fall smack dab between.  Our house will be so full and busy...  like music to my heart!